Sunday, December 23, 2007


I went to church this morning.

When I got there a man that I have known since I was ten came up to me and gave me a bag. Inside the bag was a leather-bound, high-quality, Spirit-Filled Life Study Bible, with gilded pages and my name engraved on the cover. I was speechless.

I have never received and don't think I ever will receive a gift that means more than this. I have wanted a study Bible for the longest time, but I've never had the money to splurge and buy one that would be worth it. Yet, a man I only see twice a year payed eighty dollars to make sure that I have something that will serve a great purpose to my daily life and the fulfilling of my potential for a very long time.

This is what Christmas is all about. Not the eighty dollar gift. But the intent behind the giving.

Thank you, Gerald.

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